Helping Foster the Next Edison, Musk or Gates: New IEEE-USA E-book Available on Invention and Entrepreneurship
The fifth e-book in a series of engineering activities for the classroom gives teachers a way to expose their students to invention and entrepreneurship.
How to Land a Job in Product Management
If you are interested in pivoting into product management, here are a few ways to land your first product role and get started in this sought-after career.
Why Founders Must Adopt a Product Mindset
When applying for an incubator program or seeking venture capital funding, it can be very helpful for founders to have a product mindset.
What is an Entrepreneur-in-Residence?
In this Q&A, serial entrepreneur Sam Rosenfeld explains how an entrepreneur-in-residence shares experience and perspective with start-ups.
Crowdsourcing Solutions for COVID-19: What Engineers Can Expect
A brief look at some crowdsourcing initiatives aimed at combating COVID-19, and some pointers on what engineers should expect while developing solutions.