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New IEEE-USA E-Book Offers Strategies to Get Your Career Back on Track

By Paul Lief Rosengren

Have you ever felt stagnant in your career; had a bully in the workplace target you; or faced a new boss who offered great promise, but ended up hurting the organization? Dr. Robert Danielle’s new e-book on Breaking the Cycle of an Unfulfilled Career II: Continuing the Quest For Success looks at these situations, and others, that might make a motivated, high performing employee lose their edge, or even leave a company. This book is the second book is Danielle’s second in this series.

This e-book is for the reader who sees a lack of advancement opportunities, feels their potential is not being recognized, or whose career has become stagnant. Danielle points out that it is not uncommon for employees to find themselves in such situations, noting that the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported 42 percent of employees feel blocked in their professional growth.

Danielle warns, “Despite their talent, workers find themselves marginalized, overlooked, or stuck in roles that don’t align with their aspirations.” He discusses some of the causes — such as workplace politics, leadership failures, toxic cultures and workplace bullies.

The author not only offers strategies for dealing with career stagnation, but also gives real-life examples (including some from his own experiences) to illustrate how careers can stagnate. He describes these examples as “raw, relatable narratives from the trenches. They reveal the hidden dynamics that can make or break a career.”

Danielle encourages the reader not to get discouraged but to look for opportunities in every challenge. He also urges readers not to take these situations as personal weaknesses. “By understanding the hidden dynamics at play, and equipping yourself with the right tools, you can navigate your way forward. Remember, you’re not stuck because you’re not good enough. You’re stuck because sometimes the systems, the environments, the forces around us hold us back.”

When readers are in positions of self-doubt and frustration, Danielle urges them to remember: “Hope is your secret weapon — turning rejection into resilience, failure into fuel, and confusion into clarity.”

His advice regarding mentors is to find one, but proceed with caution, warning that mentors’ advice may be based on their experiences and aspirations, and not in your best interest.  Instead, the author advises seeking advice from multiple sources — then balancing that advice “with your own sense of purpose.”

On climbing the corporate ladder, Danielle suggests the traditional path of climbing the ladder one step at a time is not for everyone.  Instead, he asserts, “Real success comes from understanding when to move sideways, when to pivot, and when to pause and regroup.”

When faced with a toxic environment (whether it be bullying, a bad boss, or a merger with a company that has different, negative, values), Danielle encourages employees to look elsewhere. “Walking away from a toxic environment is sometimes the bravest, most empowering decision you can make. It’s not quitting; it’s protecting your wellbeing, your career, and your future,” he writes.

If you find yourself in a toxic situation, Danielle suggests:

  1. Document Everything: Conversations, meeting notes, e-mails, etc.
  2. Find Your Support System: Other people in the company that can lend moral support and advice
  3. Explore Your Options: Inside and outside the company
  4. Prioritize Your Health: Don’t let your work rule your life or ruin your health

Breaking the Cycle of an Unfulfilled Career II: Continuing the Quest for Success is available to all IEEE members free at IEEE-USA’s shop; nonmembers pay $2.99.

If you enjoy this e-book, check out the first book in the series, Breaking the Cycle of an Unfulfilled Career, as well as Danielle’s other books:

Dr. Robert Danielle has authored several books and articles for IEEE-USA. He currently works for Amazon Global Robotics. He has considerable experience in career transitioning, leadership development, adult learning theories and change management. He has held strategic roles in the media, technology, government/military, higher education and e-commerce sectors. Much of Dr. Danielle’s work has focused on professional/career development, leading large successful change initiatives, and improving individual/team performance. He holds a Doctorate in Higher Education and Organization Change; an MS degree in Information Systems Management; and a BA in Leadership. He is certified as a Performance and Career Coach and has worked as a consultant for large and small organizations.


Paul Lief Rosengren

Paul Lief Rosengren is a frequent contributor to IEEE-USA InSight and author of the Famous Women Engineers in History series. He also co-authored In the Time of COVID: One Hospital’s Struggles and Triumphs about the first year of COVID at Holy Name Hospital in Teaneck, NJ. Rosengren previously worked in internal and external communications for the State of New Jersey, NBC, PSEG, and BD. While at PSEG, he was a founding member of the PSEG Diversity Council, initiated and facilitated the PSEG D&I Book Club and received the PR News Diversity Award.

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