- Immigration Reform
White House Proposes Modest Visa Reforms
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has announced plans for several small changes to high-skill visa regulations.
- Engineer Workforce
Legislative Breakthrough in High-Skill Immigration Reform?
Late on 11 July, Sen. Rand Paul introduced legislation in the U.S. Senate that would dramatically improve America’s high-skill immigration system.
- Engineer Workforce
Trump’s Planned H-1B Changes Stall as Offshoring Continues
For IT professionals, there’s no evidence that President Donald Trump is reducing the risk that their job might go offshore.
- Engineer Workforce
Time Slipping Away for Immigration Reform
In early 2013, supporters of comprehensive immigration reform said any immigration bill needed to be passed before 1 January 2014 for it to have any chance of becoming law.
- Commentary
In My Opinion: H-1B versus EB Visas – Why You Should Care
Over the past decade, the IEEE-USA has worked diligently to have Congress reduce, or remove, the H1-B work visa, and replace it with more EB type visas. While it may appear that both represent the import of more foreign workers into the United States, significant differences exist between the two.