Is the rampant use of digital technology eroding students’ ability to learn? Dr. Michael Rich (Promise and Perils of Technology – Part 1), associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Paul Howard-Jones (Promise and Perils of Technology – Part 2), a neuroscientist from the University of Bristol (U.K.), explored this question in their 2012 presentations to the Alberta Teachers Association. Polls of educators suggest that, while they appreciate how technology enhances instruction, they also believe it is also becoming a barrier. Children are less ready to learn, they are fatigued from lack of sleep, are cognitively challenged, addicted to technology, unable to think independently, have lost the ability to perform basic conversational, writing and math skills, and are easily distracted. Additionally, technology can result in a less physically active lifestyle, potentially resulting in childhood obesity, digital eye strain, damaging posture, early onset acute and chronic illness and in some cases early mortality. In many cases, technology is so ingrained that people see little difference between texting and face-to-face conversation. Research is ongoing on the impact that technology is having on education, personal development, and interpersonal communication. Technology skills are essential in today’s world. The challenge is to harness the power of technology in a more balanced way to benefit the development of the individual. Good technology management skills learned in the early years will be beneficial throughout an individual’s life. How to achieve that balance is critical.
What do you think? Is digital technology eroding students’ ability to learn, and if so, how can balance can be achieved?
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Terrance Malkinson is a communications specialist, business analyst and futurist. He is an IEEE Senior Life Member and a member of the American College of Sports Medicine and the World Future Society. He is currently an international correspondent for IEEE-USA InSight, an associate editor for IEEE Canadian Review, editor-in-chief IEEE TEMS Leader, and a member of the editorial advisory board of the IEEE Institute. Additionally, he leads a number of applied research projects. The author is grateful to the staff and resources of the Reg Erhardt library at SAIT Polytechnic and the Haskayne Business Library of the University of Calgary. He can be reached at