2021 IEEE-USA Awards Honor Six for Service and Excellence

By Corey Ruth

When Thomas Pierpoint became chair of the IEEE-USA Energy Policy Committee (EPC) in early 2020, he had no idea that a global pandemic was just around the corner. The committee was only able to hold one meeting in person before COVID-19 made travel difficult or impossible.

Yet under Pierpoint’s leadership, any concerns that the committee’s progress would be impeded by the inability to meet in person quickly vanished. To ensure that the committee would maintain its momentum during a shift to virtual meetings, he arranged meetings monthly instead of quarterly. At the same time, he substantially increased member participation in the meetings, raising member interest in EPC activities and products.

Tangible deliverables have also increased under Pierpoint’s leadership. During his time as chair, he secured IEEE-USA Government Relations Council approval for five position statements and the committee has also completed four white papers. These cover topics of keen interest to IEEE members and the general public.

Pierpoint also initiated an effort to monitor progress of documents submitted or under development by EPC. This allows the committee to continuously re-assess its focus, capabilities, and scope to ensure members remain focused on the most important issues.

To honor his dedication and excellence, Pierpoint is being awarded the 2021 John Meredith Professional Service Award. This award recognizes key individuals for outstanding IEEE-USA volunteer efforts and contributions.

IEEE-USA is also honoring five other members for their distinguished achievements this year.

The IEEE-USA Awards and Recognition Committee administers these prestigious awards, and the IEEE-USA Board of Directors approves them. IEEE-USA honors accomplishments in three categories: professionalism, technical achievement, and literary contributions.

“These awards recognize some of the exceptional work that our members are doing in the engineering profession and in their communities,” said Dr. Jason Hui, 2021-2022 IEEE-USA Awards and Recognition Committee Chair. “If you know someone who is deserving in any of the award categories, please nominate them for consideration in 2022!”

Here’s the full list of recipients that IEEE-USA is honoring this year for their excellence, outstanding service, and contributions to advancing IEEE-USA’s objectives:

IEEE-USA will celebrate these award recipients with a virtual ceremony this summer for the third consecutive year, as COVID-19 continues to create challenges for travel and in-person events.

Congratulations to all the 2021 IEEE-USA Awards honorees. Nominations for 2022 will open on 1 April. Please consider nominating a deserving member at https://ieeeusa.org/volunteers/awards-recognition/.

Corey Ruth is IEEE-USA’s media relations associate.

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