Awards & Recognition
    24 July 2024

    Dr. Muralidhar Rangaswamy Receives the Harry Diamond Memorial Award

    Dr. Muralidhar Rangaswamy received IEEE-USA's Harry Diamond Memorial Award for contributions to theory and application of radar phenomenology and adaptive radar signal processing for Air Force critical missions.
    Awards & Recognition
    24 July 2024

    Erick Maxwell and Leon Grant receive IEEE-USA K-12 STEM Literacy Educator-Engineer Partnership Award

    Erick Maxwell and Leon Grant have received IEEE-USA’s K-12 STEM Literacy Educator-Engineer Partnership Award for their efforts to promote STEM education through real-world STEM high school internships.
    Awards & Recognition
    24 July 2024

    Dr. Ulrich Rohde Receives IEEE-USA Entrepreneur Achievement Award for Leadership in Entrepreneurial Spirit

    Dr. Ulrich Rohde has received the IEEE-USA Entrepreneur Achievement Award for his contribution to science, and his use of innovative thinking and pioneering research to bring new products to the market.
    Awards & Recognition
    24 July 2024

    Fowler Receives IEEE-USA Distinguished Public Service Award

    Jennifer Fowler has received IEEE-USA's Distinguished Public Service Award for her promotion of innovation, technology and workforce development in Arkansas and the U.S. heartland.
    Career Power-Up
    24 July 2024

    Three Things I Learned from Selling a Startup

    Selling a startup is not so different from other types of sales — proper documentation and pacing yourself are critical to success.
    24 July 2024

    How Can You Make Your Goals SMARTer?

    To truly maximize the effectiveness of goal setting, it's essential to look beyond the traditional SMART criteria, and incorporate additional considerations, such as alignment with values, adaptability, feedback mechanisms, and holistic context.
    23 July 2024

    No More Lies: Why West Point’s Code of Conduct Should Apply to Your Workplace

    What would it be like to be at a workplace where we could trust our employer, coworkers and subordinates, and we agreed to not tolerate lies?
    Career Power-Up
    19 July 2024

    The Easy Interview Question People Often Get Wrong

    Too often, interviewees overlook this "easy" interview question, missing an opportunity to show that they are the best candidate for the job.
    IEEE-USA InFocus
    19 July 2024

    Romig Receives IEEE-USA McClure Citation of Honor

    Dr. Alton Romig, Jr., has been awarded IEEE-USA's George F. McClure Citation of Honor for his significant contributions to the aerospace industry, national security and engineering policy.
    19 July 2024

    Kann Receives Robert S. Walleigh Distinguished Contributions to Engineering Professionalism Award

    Faye Kann has received the IEEE-USA Walleigh Award for her outstanding volunteer efforts and dedicated service, in support of IEEE-USA’s professional objectives.
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