2004 New Face of Engineering – Where Is He Now?

By Abby Robinson

The New Faces of Engineering program highlights the vitality, diversity and rich contributions of engineers 30 or younger. It is sponsored by the National Engineers Week Foundation, a coalition of engineering societies, major corporations and government agencies. IEEE-USA has participated since the program began in 2003.

IEEE-USA in ACTION caught up with the 2004 IEEE-USA New Face of Engineering winner, Dominique Green. Read our interview below to find out what he’s been up to since being crowned.

When did you receive IEEE-USA’s New Face of Engineering Award and what were you doing then?

2004. When I received the award, I was working for a company called Accenture, doing human performance work for a federal client that was based in Washington, D.C.

What did winning the IEEE-USA New Face of Engineering Award mean to you?

It was a big highlight to my career as an engineer. I really enjoyed helping out and volunteering with some of the EWeek activities. It also felt like my career came full circle. Also, I was featured in three additional articles and two published books since being named the “New Face” in USA Today.

What have you been doing since then?

Since 2004, I have worked at several different companies. I have worked as a controls industrial manager for a company that builds jet fighter engines, and another company that designs and manufactures fuel cell power plants. I also went back to school twice, and received two additional graduate degrees: an M.S. in Business Management Innovation and Technology, and an M.S. in Project Management. Within the last year, I rejoined the first company I worked for back in 2004, Accenture. I do technology consulting with a focus on network management.

What inspires you most about your work?

I like solving client problems and issues.

What is one of the most interesting things you’ve had the chance to do?

My most recent and interesting experience was during a one-month trip to Bangalore, India. It was culturally rewarding and a great experience, both personally and professionally.

What influence has this award had on your career?

It has given me an opportunity to highlight that I am an electrical engineer who has a wide range of skills.

Has the industry changed since you won your award, and if so, how?

I feel that it has changed quite a bit. It seems that a lot of the electrical engineering jobs are fading away. Also, there are fewer innovative electrical engineering jobs.

What led you to become an engineer? 

I started learning about engineering as a sixth grader in Newport News, Va. I attended a program called BEAMS (Becoming Enthusiastic about Math and Science) at the Thomas Nelson Jefferson National Laboratory — a U.S. Department of Energy laboratory. I later worked at this same facility for more than three years as a high school student.

What would be your advice to an 18-year old, budding electrical engineer?

Start with the basics in mind. Start with a big-picture view of what electrical engineers do, then determine whether you can see yourself doing that in 10 years (or at the age of 28). Typically, if you go through undergrad, then you can expect your career to change in 10 years or less.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to start my own company that focuses on a combination of “green” engineering, helping prevent cruelty to animals and helping youth. I am starting to focus more on social and environmental issues.

Abby Robinson is a communications officer in the Research News office at Georgia Tech and chair of the IEEE-USA Communications Committee.

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