History Column
Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Volume 1
The Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Volume 1, is the first published record of an IEEE predecessor society.
Over and Under: A Brief History of Why Electric Power Lines Can’t Easily Be Placed Underground
The reasons why electric power distribution lines haven't been placed underground and out of sight is a complex one.
D-Day: Respect, Engineering and Leadership
Special purpose Allied solutions, combined with leadership acumen, meticulous planning, deception, the resistance of European citizens, and the bravery of soldiers, contributed to the success of the D-Day landings.
Your Engineering Heritage: Daylight Saving Time in World War I and the Electrical Industry
For the last fifty years in the United States, autumn has been a time when the clocks fall back an hour to end daylight saving time. But, why?
Tugboat Technology
Maneuvering tankers weighing as much as 200,000 tons, with variable factors, takes enormous precision and skill…and a lot of tugboat tech.