Students & YPs
More IEEE-USA Career and Membership Services Programs (Part 2)
Learn more about IEEE-USA's independent consultant services, the IEEE-USA Salary Service, and discounts on PE/FE exam study materials.
How Can Younger Members Get the Most Out of Benefits Provided by IEEE-USA?
Younger members can find additional value in their IEEE membership by utilizing these IEEE-USA’s programs, products and services.
IEEE-USA’s Career Programs for Students and YPs (Part 1)
Discover the value of IEEE-USA’s career programs, including webinars, E-books and social channels, to name just a few resources.
Using YouTube to Prep for the FE Exam
If you're considering taking the FE or PE exams, YouTube has some excellent resources for engineering students and young professionals.
AFRL Regional Network Kicks Off Operations in the Midwest
Pilot initiative connects a diverse range of partners with the Air Force Research Labs to create a dynamic science and technology ecosystem.