Book Reviews
IEEE-USA Releases New Famous Women Engineers in History: On Yvonne “YY” Clark
Yvonne Clark had a 55-year career educating future engineers; contributed to the Apollo space program; and was the first Black woman hired at several companies.
New IEEE-USA Audiobook: Beyond Luck, Making Opportunities Happen
In this audiobook, Dr. Robert Danielle gives tips, anecdotes and advice on how to lay the groundwork for seizing career opportunities.
New IEEE-USA E-Book Offers Strategies to Get Your Career Back on Track
New IEEE-USA e-book looks at situations that might make a motivated, high performing employee lose their edge, or even leave a company.
IEEE-USA Releases New E-Book on Famous Women Engineers in History
New IEEE-USA E-Book tells the story of Willie Hobbs Moore, who broke barriers in academia as the first Black woman to earn a Ph.D. in a science (physics) in the United States.
New IEEE-USA E-Book Explores Breaking the Cycle of an Unfulfilled Career
In his new IEEE-USA E-Book, Breaking the Cycle of An Unfulfilled Career, Dr. Robert Danielle gives rich, compelling examples of talented, hardworking employees not progressing at their companies.